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Rosen Sound LLC

Prophet 5 Hardware

Regular price $20.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $20.00 USD
Sale Sold out
Screw set:

All hardware is exact or as close to original as possible.

There is no "full hardware set" so please purchase only what is needed.

- All screws required for closing. This includes a full set of wood screws with a phillips drive and includes an additional 4x wood screws of slightly larger diameter in case your holes are blown out. Also included are the 4 machine screws needed to fasten the back of the case (where the badges are) to the chassis, and the 2 screws that fasten the keyboard to the bottom. 

- PCB Screws x10. These are exact replacements for the screws that hold down the circuit boards inside the unit. Only sold in sets of 10.