
As of 10/2020 we are no longer offering the classic stock-chip revival service, also known as the “chip strip method” or “acetone method” for new juno’s and generally not for warranty repair either (read on!).

From our inception till about mid 2019 this method has been reliable and successfully revived over 1000 Juno’s in our shop, however it is no longer reliable at all, and the amount of return service we are experiencing using the method is excessive. With that said, we can no longer offer the above method for incoming juno’s.

For return service (warranty), we have a very small amount of stock chips left to do real-time swap outs. We can only do it while supplies last. However, as below for incoming juno’s, you have the option to purchase clone chips from us that are made in house, which sound absolutely spot on identical in every way to the stock chips and they’re infinitely more reliable. These are available for $250 per set of 6 and currently we are not offering them piecemeal and only in full sets of 6.

There is no additional labor costs charged for the installation of this product if your juno is under warranty from us.

Service Package Details:

This is our only standard package for the Juno 106 now. If your Juno 106 is experiencing the now classic and infamous issues they’re all plagued by, including: dead notes, static sound on certain or all notes, hanging notes, un-controllable filters, quiet or very loud notes, etc, then your Juno needs the voice chips serviced replaced! Please pay attention to the end regarding incidental charges.

For $600 USD your Juno will receive the following services

– A full set of brand new clone 80017A modules to replace all 6 “voice chip” modules. This will solve all of the problems listed above. They sound the same as the originals. These are our RS80017A chips which are built in house.
– A full disassembly and cleaning
– Cleaning of all sliders and buttons
– New slider gaskets that have deteriorated (if available)
– PSU service to ensure power is in top shape
– 2 to 3 prong conversion so you can use a normal IEC power cord with your Juno instead of the proprietary Roland cord
– A full calibration of all functions and especially the voices
– All other repairs needed (some small exceptions apply)

Of course there are some other possible issues your Juno could be experiencing… We generally will fix all issues for the $600 price above, however there could be additional parts needed and those are listed below, though the list is not exhaustive. The prices below are for parts only, as we do not charge additional labor to install any of the below.

– New sliders as needed: $15 each on incidental basis or $120 for full set on request
– New slider caps $5
– New DCO chip $40 each
– New chorus chips $40 per set
– New bender plate $15
– New bender actuator (the part you actually touch) $25
– New tactile switches $5 each on incidental basis or $30 for full set (on request). We usually don’t charge if only one or two needs replacement.
– Broken key replacements are $15 each and $40 for highest C note.