Service Package Details:
This is our only standard package for the Juno 106 now. If your Juno 106 is experiencing the now classic and infamous issues they’re all plagued by, including: dead notes, static sound on certain or all notes, hanging notes, un-controllable filters, quiet or very loud notes, etc, then your Juno needs the voice chips serviced replaced! Please pay attention to the end regarding incidental charges.
For $600 USD your Juno will receive the following services
– A full set of brand new clone 80017A modules to replace all 6 “voice chip” modules. This will solve all of the problems listed above. They sound the same as the originals. These are our RS80017A chips which are built in house.
– A full disassembly and cleaning
– Cleaning of all sliders and buttons
– New slider gaskets that have deteriorated (if available)
– Remove from circuit the HML switch which is a common source of stereo imbalance and crackle. The swich is not removed.
– PSU service to ensure power is in top shape (note: we do not recap these power supplies)
– 2 to 3 prong conversion so you can use a normal IEC power cord with your Juno instead of the proprietary Roland cord
– A full calibration of all functions and especially the voices
– All other repairs needed (some exceptions apply)
If your Juno has other serious issues, we will bill our normal rate of $150 without consultation. This is very rare and we provide some examples below.
For the sake of clarity, you can expect most invoices to read as follows:
- $300 for the chips*
- $300 (2 hours) for the labor
- $x for any incidental parts you may need. For example. a $40 charge for chorus chips.
If the Juno needs more work in order to operate normally/as expected, you will see what work was done in the invoice and the labor line will read more than 2 hour (charged in 15 minute increments). We generally will not "warn" you or give you the option as all jobs must leave our shop in a condition we deem appropriate of our service sticker. We can't stress enough that more 2 hours of billed labor is rare.. maybe 1 in every 20 junos need more time, and even then "more time" is usually .5-2 hours.
* We charge $50 additional for the chips on our invoices for the sake of simplicity as otherwise our labor line would have to read 2.333x the labor rate and we usually spend 2.5 hours (or more) on each Juno.
Some examples of works that will require extra labor charges
- Dead CPU, especially if we must also add chips and an EPROM to compensate for a non-programmed CPU
- Bad traces under keys. This is a common issue as sweat will eat away circuit traces under the keys causing keys not to work. This is labor intensive.
- More than a few buttons needing to be change
- Extensive re-work required because of a poor job done before us on the module board (voice chips
- Stange issues. Some Juno's just have weird digital issues and solving them can be a pain.
Incidental parts and prices. Note, prices may change without warning as our costs for those parts change:
– New sliders as needed: $15 each on incidental basis or $120 for full set on request
– New slider caps $5
– New DCO chip $40 each
– New chorus chips $40 per set
– New bender plate $25
– New bender lever (the part you actually touch) $25
– New tactile switches $2 each on incidental basis or $50 for full set (on request). We usually don’t charge if only one or two needs replacement.
– Broken key replacements are $15 each and $40 for highest C note.